January 7, 2009

2009 New Recipe Goal #1: Turkey Sloppy Joe's

One of my goals (NOT resolutions) this year is to cook at least one new recipe a month.

I've studied Jamie Oliver's "Jamie At Home" that Nhien got for me for my birthday. I've gone back to thumb through the Food Network Favorites my sister-in-law got for me a couple of years ago. Next up is to start sifting through my folder full of ripped-out recipes to pick some more potential.

However, last night, I craved Sloppy Joe's and found myself without any sauce on hand.

So I saught help from the Queen of Burgers and the Sloppy Joe's. Rachael doesn't disappoint me with the Turkey Sloppy Joe's recipe. I served that on ciabatta sandwich rolls.

The recipe is a little hard to get through because it is written for kids to cook. But it boils down to this: brown the meat, add the veggies, the sauce, simmer, serve. All in no time at all!

My notes on this is minimal, really. I only have yellow onion on hand and no bell pepper. I also threw in 2 cloves of garlic. As the case of may of Rachael's turkey recipe, I added more Worchestershire sauce and more grill seasoning to get the flavor right where I want it. I also added a little tobasco and apple cider vinegar for the zip and tang.

Oh, and I didn't get all the way through with the chees fries. Just the Joe's.

One down. At least 12 more to go!

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